Hidemyass Reviews and Comments From Reddit
From our analysis of 1.3 billion reddit threads, we found Hidemyass was mentioned in 2574 comments, which had an average of 3.62 votes. The earliest comment appeared on September 7th, 2008.
There were 2095 comments with a positive tone, and 479 comments with a negative tone (and the rest closer to neutral). Scroll down to read the most voted & downvoted comments, and the most positive & negative Hidemyass reviews from reddit.
Hidemyass's advertised features
Also, the site seems to have been blocked in India (or atleast filtered by my college)
Use HideMyass if you want to access it
* [HideMyAss](http://hidemyass.com/vpn/)
* [ProXPN](http://proxpn.com/)
a word on number 5: https://invisibler.com/lulzsec-and-hidemyass/
edit: http://freedomhacker.net/is-hide-my-ass-vpn-secure-in-2014/
edit2: if youre honeypotting gtfo, if youre srs l2gitgud.
Also the speed isn't probably amazing.
I am still with hidemyass and has a great service.
a)es gibt bezahldienste wie HideMyAss, die aber nicht sicher sind
b)TOR ist denen zu langsam
c)STAATLICHER Server des Landesdatenschutzzentrums Kiel
...ne, ist klar.
Schnell & billig sind anonyme offshore rootserver wie internoc24 oder ccihosting.
Oh and if you want to wait there's a discount in the sidebar that reduces the yearly package to ~$36.95.
If you don't trust the sites (I wouldn't), i can rip the video from youtube and send it to you somehow if you want.
1. Awario u2013 50% OFF: https://awario.com/pricing
An app that tracks mentions of your brand or anything else all around the Internet and respond to the mentions you find.
2. HideMyAss u2013 57% OFF: https://www.hidemyass.com/pricing
Don't think this one needs any explaining :D
3. Udemy u2013 all courses $15: https://www.udemy.com/
An online learning platform with courses on anything in the world. Discounts drop every day.
4. Lucidchart u2013 30% OFF: https://www.lucidchart.com/users/registerLevel?tP=1&t4=A&t10=A
Makes good-looking charts and diagrams.
5. BuzzBundle u2013 60% OFF: http://www.link-assistant.com/buzzbundle/black-friday-2016.html
An SMM platform that lets you track brand mentions online, post and schedule posts, create unlimited accounts and basically spam the hell out of the Internet.
My family did a 3 year stint in Asia (Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Korea); so I bought my sister a HideMyAss account. She watched Netflix, Hulu and Youtube and played Wii of that account with no problems what so ever.
Been using it for about 6 months, and it always runs full speed. Best one I can recommend.
> hidemyass
> good one
best website name lolll
The best you're going to get is IP addressed SWIPed (geolocated to region) but belonging to prolific VPN blocks, like HideMyAss, which is blocked by 4chan.
If you just need your IP changed for a website try HideMyAss web proxy
The best option pay for a VPN /r/VPN /u/thatoneprivacyguy
Here is the list of [UK VPN Providers](http://www.virtualprivate-network.com/bestukvpnservice/)
(always look up coupon codes!)
Then you just enter you're log in details in settings in popcorntime,activate it and you're good to go.You can see on the padlock iff it's on(green) or off(red).
> http://www.darkreading.com/risk-management/lulzsec-suspect-learns-even-hidemyasscom-has-limits/d/d-id/1100389?
You win the internet