Purevpn Reviews and Comments From Reddit
From our analysis of 1.3 billion reddit threads, we found Purevpn was mentioned in 2857 comments, which had an average of 2.08 votes. The earliest comment appeared on April 14th, 2011.
There were 2440 comments with a positive tone, and 417 comments with a negative tone (and the rest closer to neutral). Scroll down to read the most voted & downvoted comments, and the most positive & negative Purevpn reviews from reddit.
Purevpn's advertised features
PIA all way!
I know that the VPN was turning of at points but we adjusted the stettings and it's still happening.
It is Hong Kong Based, doesn't keep logs, it supports all iOS devices (has apps too), and you can get 2 years VPN and smartdns subscription in $49.95
Phew! I hope I didn't miss any of your question :D
'Can we ask his ISP who he was logged in to at that time? YES! .. Damn .. they say it was a PureVPN IP address!'
'In that case we'll need PureVPN logs to verify that he was logged in to PureVPN at that time!'
Waiitttt a minute ...
I use purevpn atm myself but those are the best choices as well listed on there.
cant beat $69 for 5 years of purevpn
I use purevpn but there's lot others
I use, and am happy with, PureVPN, but there's loads of there.
What you should do?
Before visiting China contact PureVPN customer support from their website and ask for them to provide a solution that can work in China. I have heard that they have a separate app for China which can bypass Great Fire Wall
Work fine in China